Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blogpost #1: Legends of Rome

Describe the two legends of the founding of Rome. Then explain how and when
    Rome was actually founded. Remember to include at least one image!

The first legend was of was of twin brothers Remus and Romulus abandoned near Tiber River rescued by a wolf, but then raised by a sheep hearder, they then went on to build and create Rome in 753 B.C. Remus would constantly tease Romulus over a wall he was creating. Eventually anger bubbled inside of Romulus and he murdered his brother and he became then king of Rome naming it after himself.

The second legend can be traced back to to an epic by a famous Roman poet named Virgil. The epic is the Aeneid and is about the Trojan hero Aeneas. After the Greeks had captured Troy he sailed with a band of followers across the Mediterranean. After their extensive journey, they landed in Tiber. Then through marrying the local king's daughter he united the Trojans and Latins, which were the local people and he then became the "father" of Rome.

The actually theory historians believe in is that Latins lived in the area Rome was to be as early as 1000 B.C but in around 800 B.C to 700 B.C they banded together for protection, thus founding Rome.

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