The ground of the time machine shuddered underneath my feet, and a wooshing sound was heard all around me. Suddenly, I felt dizzy, the time machine was spinning! Around and around I went till I felt my stomach rising into my throat, and I was about feel sick when... BAM! Smoke started to rise from the floor, and I coughed and couldn't breathe. I groped around in the grey clouds for a latch to the door. My hand clasped around a metal bar, and I tugged downwards, CLANK! The door fell out and strong, blinding light poured into the machine reflecting off the steel walls. I crawled out of the machine, coughing and spluttering onto the hot, dry cracked ground. The landscape was dry, and arid and the air was hot and heavy. I couldn't breathe, the grass was dry and sparse in areas. A few animals roamed around, the sun being so hot and beating down onto my head I lay down onto the rocky land and fell asleep. Something was sniffing my head, I opened my eyes and a half human/ape creature is peering over me. As I start to sit up the ape like creatures eye widen and it stands up, grunts and runs away. As I watch the creature run away I feel a tingle running down my spine, and suddenly I feel myself spinning, again the same feeling of nausea . Suddenly, I was in a different place, but it wasn't the same pleasant feeling, I knew something was wrong with my time machine! I was in a small town, I touched a wall, it was clayish, almost like mud. The houses were stacked, one on top of each other. Children were running through the streets laughing, while people walked over roofs. Yet I knew it wouldn't last long, I had to get back to my present day! I sat down and leaned against the mud-brick wall. A smell wafted down the small narrow street, following the smell I walked down the road into a small house. A woman was laying something out on a small mud table. On the table a cake was on the table, the lady looked up at me and a smile broke out on her wrinkled face. She beckoned me towards the table, and I slowly and cautiously walked towards her. I sat down, and took the smell of it all in, I was about to dig in when the lady made a short sound and shook her finger. She pointed to a small hole in the ground with water. She motioned for me to go towards the hole, and inside was cloth. She wanted me to help her wash before I ate. She handed me a small stone, and bent down to start. Following her lead I bent down as well, and we washed till my hands were sore and red. Finally, the woman got up and we went and sat down on the table and was about to dig in when I felt a tingling down my spine. Again the world started spinning, but this time less time was taken. I fond myself on a slow rocking boat, just as I was about to get up something hit me hard on the back. "Get to work slave!" a booming voice said, I looked up and saw a man, towering above me. He threw a wet cloth at me and whipped me upon the back. I looked around about 10 other men were rubbing the deck of the boat. As I scrubbed I looked upon my surrounding, on the banks palm trees and reeds swayed in the wind and of into the distance I saw tall, triangular structures. I smelt the smell of sweat, mixed in with the smell of water as I scrubbed away at that deck. So much washing to be done, I thought to myself as my hands became raw and red for the second time that day. Yet again, there was a tingling at the base of my spine and was thrown from my kneeling on the boat into a calm, peaceful place. I looked around and saw a few Buddhists monks sitting cross legged quietly, there hands on there knees. I decided to twist myself into the same position. As I sat quietly in the open room, I felt the soft wind blow in and rustle a chime in the distance, and the music floated softly into my ear. I felt peaceful and calm, as if at peace with the world. I relaxed and let the chime echo within me. When I awoke from this "trance" there was no one around me, but the again. The tingling in my spine tarted, yet this time I felt myself falling, and falling, down and down into nothingness until I finally hit the ground. "Wake up! C'mon wake up!" someone was shaking me. I drowsily stirred and opened my eyes to see a friendly human face peering down at me. "Where am I?" I asked. "What do you mean where are you? You are at the site of a archaeological dig, where else would you be?" "But?" "You just fell asleep for a while, must be this darned sun, anyways while you were dozing we made a discovery, it looks like some sort of ancient time machine was found!"
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