There are two figures present in my artwork, the goddess Sekhmet and a Basenji, a breed of dog which was present in ancient Egypt. Sekhmet is the goddess of war, destruction, hunting, and wild animals. She is depicted as a woman with a head of a lioness, this is because the lioness was one of the fiercest hunters. The name Sekhmet comes from the Egyptian word
sekhem which mean "to be strong, mighty, or violent." This is an example of Sekhmet's name written in hieroglyphics,

the translation is "the powerful one". The scene in my poster is portraying Sekhmet blessing a hunting dog. She is blessing this dog so that he can bring luck to whomever he is hunting with. Around her in hieroglyphics there are words such as "blessing" and "power" which help with the symbolization of the picture. The reason this picture would be in a tomb or some other place, would probably be because it can explain some things slightly. It could've have explained why the gods are powerful, because they are able to bless and bring good fortune. It also could've explained why sometimes hunting can be good or bad. Depending on whether the hunt has been blessed or not.